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Home Overview Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software
Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software
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Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图 Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software截图
Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software
A powerful audio processing tool that not only records high-quality audio, but also has powerful functions such as format conversion, audio segmentation, batch truncation, audio file merging, multi audio mixing, mute removal, adjusting audio speed, changing sound, noise reduction, separating vocals, converting speech to text, and converting text to speech. One tool, multiple solutions.
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Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software

Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software


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Gilisoft Audio Recorder is a powerful audio processing tool that not only records high-quality audio, but also has powerful functions such as format conversion, audio segmentation, batch capture, audio file merging, multi audio mixing, mute removal, adjusting audio speed, changing sound, noise reduction, separating vocals, converting speech to text, and converting text to speech. One tool, multiple solutions.

This professional audio processing software provides you with a comprehensive set of audio processing functions, covering all aspects from recording, editing to sound effect processing.

  1. Recording function:Supports recording computer and microphone sounds, while capturing both computer and microphone sounds.
  2. Audio compression(Coming soon): Reduce audio file size for easier storage and sharing.
  3. Format conversion:Easily convert audio files from one format to another, such as from WAV to MP3, ensuring compatibility.
  4. segmentation(Coming soon): Cut long audio files into multiple small files based on user set parameters such as time, size, etc.
  5. Capture:Select specific parts of the audio file for editing.
  6. Batch capture:Performing a one-time truncation operation on multiple files is suitable for scenarios that handle a large number of audio files.
  7. Merge:Splicing multiple audio files into a continuous file, supporting fade in and fade out effects.
  8. Mixing:Mix two or more audio tracks to create a unique audio effect.
  9. Mute removal:Automatically detect and remove silent parts, making the recording more compact and coherent.
  10. Speed regulation:Adjusting playback speed without changing pitch is suitable for language learning or music practice.
  11. Reverse order:Reverse playback of audio files can be used for creative effects or to find hidden information.
  12. Change of voice:Changing the pitch or sound characteristics of a recording, often used for entertainment or creating special sound effects.
  13. Noise reduction:Reduce or eliminate background noise in recording to improve audio clarity.
  14. Extract accompaniment:Separate the lead singer's voice from the music recording and retain the background music, suitable for karaoke or mixing.
  15. Voice to text:Automatically convert oral content into text, perfect for meeting minutes, interviews, and other scenarios.
  16. Text to speech:Convert text materials into speech output, making it easier to create audiobooks or assist visually impaired individuals in reading.
  17. Sound cloning (upcoming):Utilize advanced audio processing techniques to analyze and replicate specific vocal features.

This software includes almost all commonly used and advanced audio editing functions, making it a powerful assistant for users such as audio editors, podcast producers, music creators, and language learners.

Gilisoft Audio Recorder Recording Audio Editing and Processing Toolbox Software LOGO

Official website:https://www.gilisoft.com/

Download Center:https://gilisoft-audio-recorder.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:24-hour automatic shipping

Operating platform:Windows

Interface language:Supports Chinese interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Permanent use supports updates.

Pre purchase trial:Free version with limited functionality before purchase.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install 1 computer.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:To be added.

Reference materials:http://www.gilisoft.com

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